Music Samples


If you would like to engage a musical entertainment at weddings or other events, we adapt to your needs.

Possible musical formations

Solo voice and piano

Voix solo et piano
(classical music, jazz or pop)

Small jazz band

Voix solo et l’orchestre
(jazz and popular music)

Belle Hellene of Offenbach

Belle Helene Offenbach
Operetta staged in CH-Vernayaz in May/June 2003. Aside the title role, Eva trained the choir and choreographed the show.

La Route Fleurie of Georges Guétary

La Route Fleurie
Musical theater performance staged in CH-Fully in May 2005. Aside the leading role, Eva trained the choir and choreographed the show.
View performance

Eblouie par l'amour

Eblouie par l'amour

